Saturday, August 9, 2014

5 Reasons I Started McPherson Math

#1 To become a more reflective educator.
        The school year is very busy with each day bringing its own set of priorities. I am constantly asked for help on a variety of issues that teachers deal with on a daily basis. As a reflective teacher, I must be purposeful in thinking about what I have planned, observed, and experienced. How did my actions effect teaching and learning?

#2 To document my own professional growth.
         My job as a high school math coach involves focusing on the professional development of teachers. I am constantly researching and developing plans specific to my teachers' needs. Whether it is new content, new technology, or a new teaching strategy, I am always learning and growing as a professional.

#3 To engage in conversations that challenge me to think about educational issues.
         I like to debate the issues because it helps me develop and/or clarify my viewpoint. It also helps increase my capacity to communicate with others. I'm invested in teaching and learning and want to be knowledgeable of the issues so I am able to advocate effectively.
#4 To impact others by sharing ideas, struggles, and triumphs.
         For years I have referred to myself as a BASE teacher. (That stands for Borrow And Share Everything.) I enjoy collaborating with others, sharing whatever resources I have, seeking solutions, and celebrating our successes. I've tried other digital platforms to share resources and I hope this one is easier to maintain and for others to use.

#5 To have fun with math.
         I like math and I really like a good math problem. It's the geek in me and I own it.

So, there you have it. Five reasons why I started McPherson Math. I hope you join me for this journey.


  1. Is that a Mac I see on your website?!?

  2. This is great Karen! You have inspired me to build am elementary math site.
