April 25-28 in Washington, DC
- Handout
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Video on Writing the Equation of a Line
- Video on Solving Exponential Equations using Logarithms
47th Annual NCCTM Math Conference
(November 2-3, 2017) in Greensboro, NC
Factoring Using the Area Model
The area model connects to learning to operate with numbers from early grades and can be leveraged to help students reason with operating with polynomials in Math 1, 2, and 3. Multiply, factor, complete the square, and divide polynomials using the structure of a rectangle / square. Powerpoint and the Handout. Here are some additional resources for area model:
- A Lot of Changing Sides introduces the area model
- Distributing the Area examines the structure of the area model
- Taking Apart the Area begins to look at when a is not 1
- Advanced Factoring examines the area model when a is not 1
- Here is the lesson plan and a sketchnote of the lesson plan
- WODB Completing the Square Launch
- Completing the Square Notes summarizes and investigation into completing the square
- Dividing Polynomials uses the area model (no more need for synthetic division)
To often algebraic procedures are whittled down to a flowchart or a gimmick. The Mathematical Teaching Practices include building procedural fluency from conceptual understanding. In this session, we will examine some of these procedures, explore tasks that help students build conceptual understanding, and discuss the connections between the two. PowerPoint and Handout
**Note: There are a few errors in the ppt and handout. On one of the tables, the point should be (14, 48) and in the solving exponential equations the original equation should equal 240.
46th Annual NCCTM Math Conference
(October 27-28, 2016) in Greensboro, NC
The Great Task Hunt
Effective teaching engages students in tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Discuss characteristics of quality tasks and explore a collection of online resources. PowerPoint
The sites visited are included in the Symbaloo Mix on the General Resources & App page.
Getting Started with Three Act Tasks
Have you heard the buzz about the Three Act Tasks and want to know more? Participate in an actual lesson and explore resources for getting started. PowerPoint
Coherency Across the Grades
On the Achieve the Core website there are professional development materials to help others understand the Instructional Shifts of Focus, Coherence, and Rigor. One of my favorite activities is the Coherency Card Sort which is a part of the resources for a Deep Dive into the Shifts. This card sort uses standards K-8.
Since I work primarily with secondary teachers, I developed a set of cards that look at 5th through Math 3. I recommend using the K-8 cards with secondary teachers because it is extremely effective in getting teachers to talk about and gain a stronger understanding of coherency. My card set is an additional resource to connect to the high school standards. Card Set and Answer Key
45th Annual NCCTM State Math Conference
(November 5 - 6, 2015) in Greensboro, NC
Outcomes Based Assessment - Let's get started!
So you've decided you want to try OBA. How do you get started? Examine the process of developing outcomes and learning targets followed by designing a learning plan. Analyze student work and discuss proficiencies, feedback, and next steps. Handout
Learning About Logarithms
Need a new approach to logarithms? Let's unpack the standards and explore tasks that build a conceptual understanding. Discuss how the students' understanding leads to procedural fluency and connects to other concepts. Lesson on Logs and Alternative Launch for Logs
IGNITE - Enlighten Us, but Make it Quick
Eight different speakers will speak for minutes (actually it is 3 min 45 sec) each on one of the Mathematical Teaching Practices. We will ignite new ideas, new questions and new passions. Come join us for this fast-paced enlightening session. (My practice is Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding)
47th Annual NCSM Conference
(April 13-15, 2015 in Boston, MA)
Making Sense of Problems and Persevering on Solving Them - It's a Team Effort
The team will share how mathematics teachers, instructional coaches, building administration, and district leaders come together to create and implement an action plan to focus instruction and student learning on SMP #1 - Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them. PowerPoint and Handouts
44th Annual NCCTM State Math Conference
(October 30-31, 2014 in Greensboro, NC)
Transforming the Way We Teach Transformations
Deepen students' understanding of transformations of functions by using transparencies and multiple representations that allow students to explore what happens when input and/or output values are changed. PowerPoint (only) PowerPoint (with notes)
Outcomes Based Assessment is an alternative to a traditional grading system. This practice empowers students to become active participants in the assessment process. Learn how to get started and what issues should be considered. PowerPoint
**Note: There are a few errors in the ppt and handout. On one of the tables, the point should be (14, 48) and in the solving exponential equations the original equation should equal 240.
46th Annual NCCTM Math Conference
(October 27-28, 2016) in Greensboro, NC
The Great Task Hunt
Effective teaching engages students in tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Discuss characteristics of quality tasks and explore a collection of online resources. PowerPoint
The sites visited are included in the Symbaloo Mix on the General Resources & App page.
Getting Started with Three Act Tasks
Have you heard the buzz about the Three Act Tasks and want to know more? Participate in an actual lesson and explore resources for getting started. PowerPoint
Coherency Across the Grades
On the Achieve the Core website there are professional development materials to help others understand the Instructional Shifts of Focus, Coherence, and Rigor. One of my favorite activities is the Coherency Card Sort which is a part of the resources for a Deep Dive into the Shifts. This card sort uses standards K-8.
Since I work primarily with secondary teachers, I developed a set of cards that look at 5th through Math 3. I recommend using the K-8 cards with secondary teachers because it is extremely effective in getting teachers to talk about and gain a stronger understanding of coherency. My card set is an additional resource to connect to the high school standards. Card Set and Answer Key
45th Annual NCCTM State Math Conference
(November 5 - 6, 2015) in Greensboro, NC
Outcomes Based Assessment - Let's get started!
So you've decided you want to try OBA. How do you get started? Examine the process of developing outcomes and learning targets followed by designing a learning plan. Analyze student work and discuss proficiencies, feedback, and next steps. Handout
Learning About Logarithms
Need a new approach to logarithms? Let's unpack the standards and explore tasks that build a conceptual understanding. Discuss how the students' understanding leads to procedural fluency and connects to other concepts. Lesson on Logs and Alternative Launch for Logs
IGNITE - Enlighten Us, but Make it Quick
Eight different speakers will speak for minutes (actually it is 3 min 45 sec) each on one of the Mathematical Teaching Practices. We will ignite new ideas, new questions and new passions. Come join us for this fast-paced enlightening session. (My practice is Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding)
47th Annual NCSM Conference
(April 13-15, 2015 in Boston, MA)
Making Sense of Problems and Persevering on Solving Them - It's a Team Effort
The team will share how mathematics teachers, instructional coaches, building administration, and district leaders come together to create and implement an action plan to focus instruction and student learning on SMP #1 - Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them. PowerPoint and Handouts
44th Annual NCCTM State Math Conference
(October 30-31, 2014 in Greensboro, NC)
Transforming the Way We Teach Transformations
Deepen students' understanding of transformations of functions by using transparencies and multiple representations that allow students to explore what happens when input and/or output values are changed. PowerPoint (only) PowerPoint (with notes)
- Activity: Build a Function Machine
- Investigation: Exploring Transformations of Functions
- Resource: Function Input Grid (Use patty paper for the Function Output Axes.)
Outcomes Based Assessment is an alternative to a traditional grading system. This practice empowers students to become active participants in the assessment process. Learn how to get started and what issues should be considered. PowerPoint
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